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Working The Room – 45 Golden Rules…Rules 24 To 34

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24. Repeat the name after the introductions and try to picture something associated with their name to help you remember it.

25. Introduce yourself slowly and clearly ensuring that the person has every chance of hearing your name.  They will often be embarrassed to ask if they did not hear it the first time and it is vital that they know who you are.

26. Listen to who they are and what they need.  Be a resource by offering help.  “I know where you can get that” can only be good for your business in the long run.

27. Develop a 30 second introduction that clearly states the benefit for the person you are meeting.  Practise this introduction so that you can say it in your sleep.

28. Think how you can introduce relevant people to each other.  You will be doing both of them a big favour and it can only be good for you.

29. Obtain other peoples’ business cards always.  That is the only way you will remember who you met.  Record where and when you met those cardholders as soon as possible after the function.  Write down something of interest to remind you why you took their card.

30. Grade the business cards 1,2, 3 with 1 signifying “this person could be very useful to me” to 3 “I’ll probably not get in touch”

31.  Keep all business  cards you ever receive and file them.  You never know when they just may be useful.  They will only be useful however if you follow guides 29 and 30.

32. Write down on their business card the day you will call so that the other party knows you are serious about the follow up.

33. Read their business card carefully and thoroughly when you are handed it.  This shows great courtesy and interest.  Information on the card should also provide you with further questions to ask the person about their business.

34. Give your business card to someone even if you are not asked for it.  It will serve as a memory jogger when pockets are emptied.

…Altogether, with my previous blog posts, you now have the first 34 golden rules. This Thursday I will post the final 11 golden rules, building up to our ‘Work the Room’ web seminar on Monday 14th March. If you want to be able to approach any kind of group with the confidence, enrol on our web seminar and check back on the Kintish Networking blog for the latest hints and tips when working the room.

Alternatively, visit and for further free and valuable information on all aspects of networking.

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