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The 10 deadly sins of the Naughty Networker

This is part of a comprehensive article “The 10 Deadly Sins of Naughty Networkers”…

3. Not realising  how vital first impressions are.

It’s unfair but people are very early to judge you in those first few moments. So smile, give a firm handshake, make eye contact as you do. And as you are doing this you swap names. The networking sinner will immediately let that name disappear into the ether. We don’t forget peoples’ names we just aren’t listening so don’t hear them in the first place. Concentrate and then repeat their name; use some memory tag to remember it. It all to do with careful listening. Finally ensure in those early moments you show some enthusiasm and empathy when meeting someone new.

4. Thinking small talk is unimportant

The key to building relationships is the small talk and not the business talk. Ask about them their roots, their likes and dislikes, their holidays and interests. When you find something in common that’s when the relationship really starts to take off.

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