In our new world where, at the moment, we can’t shake hands, ‘work the room’ or easily read the other person’s body language how can we ensure all the time we spend, on Zoom and other virtual communication channels, is of value? There is nothing to beat ‘real’ networking but when you and I plan our strategy and take regular effective action I believe we can get close to the genuine thing.
The future of networking
I think you will agree there is a groundswell of opinion that the business community is embracing online communication because it has to. But what happens when we can return to coffee shops for 1-2-1’s, conferences and networking events? My prediction is for years to come and maybe for ever, both forms of networking will become the norm. One major benefit; just think of the time and cost saving.
Workshop’s Topics
In an entertaining and interactive manner, I will share my knowledge by:
- Explaining the basics of online networking
- Creating the right impressions through the camera
- “How to work a Zoom!”
- Building relationships through rapport and reliability
- Conversations – Breaking the ice; Small talk; business questions
- How to follow up in a professional manner
What are the benefits of becoming more effective networkers?
- Build more collaboration with outside parties
- Reinforce existing relationships and build new ones
- Get known by others
- Get others to know what you do
- Increase the knowledge of the marketplace or specialist area of expertise
- Meet key people and decision makers
Please contact Will on 07939 205719 or email to explore ideas and options about the logistics and fees